Elisha D. Smith Public Library
Gegan Board Room
March 28, 2018

Called to order at 4:01pm by Chairman Englebert
Present:     Chairman Englebert, Trustee Franzoi, Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Halverson, Trustee Schwerbel, and Teen Representative Genz
Absent:     Ad Hoc Trustee Hermans, Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden, Trustee Witt and Secretary Wicihowski
Also Present:     Director Lenz and Administrative Assistant Dreyer

Public Comment/Communication: None

Consent Business
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Halverson, to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from February 28, 2018.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion made by Golz, seconded by Franzoi, to accept the minutes of the Marketing & Resource Development Committee from March 22, 2018.  Motion carried unanimously.

City of Menasha Administrative Services Director John Jacobs joined the meeting at 4:03 pm.  

Director’s Report: Part I
2017 Budget Status: Jacobs provided a computation of wage and fringe benefit end-year accruals needed over the next few years in anticipation of a 27th pay period in 2020.  The 27th pay periods occurs every 11 years.  After this effort, adding one day to every year’s budget should be enough to cover it.  Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Schwerbel that any remaining funds allocated for library use after the 2017 audit be segregated and put into a 27th pay period account for 2020.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Jacobs also discussed city and library policies in regard to retirement. Upon retirement, employees are credited with 100% of their accumulated and unused sick leave up to a maximum of 712.5 hours (95 days) multiplied by the employee’s rate of pay at the time of retirement. Those funds are paid out to a health expense reimbursement service for use by the employee. The amount generated by multiplying two thirds of employees’ sick leave hours accumulated in excess of the 95 days by the employee’s last rate of pay goes to the city to be used to pay the retiring employee’s health insurance premiums.  Both of these amounts come out of a department’s budget.  Sick leave hours that were banked (two-thirds of those in excess of 900 hours, over the years) are also multiplied by the employee’s rate of pay and used to pay the retiring employee’s health insurance premiums; the city is responsible for those funds. The library added some additional funds to the 2018 budget for anticipated possible retirements.  If any funds of those funds remain at the end of the year, they may be carried over to the following year for that designation.

Jacobs left the meeting at 4:55 pm.

Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Golz, to authorize payment of the December(4) 2017 and March 2018 bills as presented from the 2017 and 2018 budgets and endowment fund.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Director’s Report: Part II
1.    February Statistics.  
Physical circulation is up 3.6%, digital circulation is up 31%, and meeting room use is up 34% over last year.  So far this year, total circulation is up 3.8%. Trustees discussed better ways to market Gale Courses.

2.    Budget Status.
      Trustees reviewed the 2017 and 2018 budgets’ status.  Franzoi and Golz suggested adding a retirement line item and separating those funds out of wages in this year’s budget reports.
3.    Staff Reports.
       ·    The Marketing & Resource Development Committee discussed having the book bike at Banta Elementary the last day of school and giving away free books with a label or bookmark that encourages the children to visit the library and check out other books.  The cost would be about $1,500.  Franzoi volunteered to donate the funds for this project and suggested a prize be awarded for visiting the library.  Motion made by Halverson, seconded by Franzoi, to purchase $1,500 in books to give to students at Banta Elementary.  Motion carried unanimously.  Franzoi offered to contact a consultant to help with the committee’s next phase of planning, which involves reaching influential community members for their support.  
       ·    The Spring Used Book Sales generated $4,048 in revenue for the Friends of the Library.
       ·    Golz attended a meeting with Brian Crawford of Colonial Consulting at the Community Foundation of the Fox Valley Region, Inc. that discussed the 2017 investment returns of the library’s endowment investment pool and memorial fund.  
       ·    Franzoi requested a report at the next meeting on the library’s plans to use the Lego Mindstorms that were purchased.  
       ·    Library Clerk J. Wing submitted a letter stating she plans to retire as of August 1, 2018.  Trustees requested a report of her estimated retirement benefits at the next meeting.
       ·    The April newsletter describing the numerous events going on at the library was distributed.  

Genz left the meeting at 5:33pm

Discussion/Action Items

4.    Lighting for Art Wall
The library’s Art in Menasha (AIM) Committee is recommending lighting the art wall.  Master Electrician & Facilities Technician Brian Haessly submitted a proposal using LED lighting.  The rail, accessories and light heads will cost about $2,000 and would come out of our capital improvement budget.   Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Golz to purchase the lighting for the art wall.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion to adjourn made at 5:43pm by Franzoi, seconded by Englebert.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary