June 18, 2009
Call to order at 4:03 p.m. by President Fuchs
Present: Derouin, Eisen, Enos, Fuchs, Nebel, Werley, Wicihowski
Absent: Stanke
Also present: Director Saecker, J. Bongers (Head of Adult & Technical Services), K. Seefeldt (Administrative Assistant)
Authorization of Bills
1.      Motion to authorize payment of the June list of bills from the 2009 budget by Eisen, seconded by
Enos, and carried unanimously.
Consent Business
2.      Approve minutes from the Board meeting of May 21, 2009.
3.      Approve minutes from the Investment Committee meeting of May 21, 2009
4.      Approve minutes from the Finance Committee meeting of June 5, 2009
Motion to approve consent business as presented by Nebel, seconded by Derouin, and carried unanimously.
Director’s Report/Information Items
5.      Statistics.  The library lent 39,208 items in May. This was a 2.9% decrease over May 2008. Adult circulation increased this month by 5.9% and children’s decreased 12.9%. Self-check machine usage is now at 30%, which originally was our year-end goal. Director Saecker has revised that goal to 40%.    
6.      Finance Committee. The Finance Committee met on June 5 to discuss the future needs of the library and to identify priorities for 2010. Enos noted that establishing a library branch or mobile facility were items that could not be considered in these economic times. Board members agreed that a mobile facility could have a significant impact on children’s literacy in Menasha and recommended that we keep this in mind as we plan for the future.   
7.      Request for Consideration. We received a request to place the series The Nannies in the adult section of the library instead of the teen section. Director Saecker has decided that it is appropriate to keep the series in the teen section. The individual who submitted this request has been notified of this decision.
8.      Winnefox Budget.  Winnefox Library System’s funding from the state will be cut by 5% in 2010 and perhaps more in 2011. Member directors met to discuss the shortfall and potential budget cuts.   Director Saecker advised the Board that our WALS fee will increase this year. This fee is billed on a percentage basis. Our percentage increase is the result of our tremendous circulation increase in 2008.
9.      Parade Participation.   The Library participated in the Memorial Day parade with help from staff and a few children from the Arc Fox Cities. Miron Construction Co. once again offered us the use of one of their vehicles. We hope to partner with program participants from the Arc again next year and with other organizations in future years for this annual event. 
10. Upcoming Presentations. Director Saecker will do several presentations on Library 2.0 and Twitter this summer and fall. She reminded members of the board that the WLA Convention will be held in Appleton this fall and encouraged them to attend.
Discussion/Action Items
11. Nomination Committee Formation.  President Fuchs noted that the Nominations Committee would meet at the conclusion of the board meeting. Werley and Wicihowski volunteered to serve on the committee along with President Fuchs.
12. Holiday Closings. A list of holiday closings for 2010 was presented to the Board for their consideration.
Motion to approve the list of holiday closings for 2010 as presented by Enos, seconded by Wicihowski and carried unanimously.
13. T-Shirts for Employees. Director Saecker recommended that the board approve payment for summer logo wear for staff members from the Endowment. Each staff person may receive one t-shirt at no charge for the year.
Motion to approve payment for staff logo wear from the Endowment as noted by Werley, seconded by Eisen and carried unanimously.
14. Trustee Essential #9. Enos reviewed Trustee Essential # 9 Managing the Library’s Money.
15. Salary & Hiring Freeze for 2009. Menasha’s Common Council recently approved a salary freeze for all City non-reps and department heads effective immediately, halting the 1% raise that was due to go into effect on July 1, 2009 for library employees.  Discussion ensued. Alternative means of cutting the library’s budget were considered. 
Motion to accept the City’s salary freeze for 2009 which includes a 1% raise due July, 2009 for all non-reps and department heads by Enos, seconded by Wicihowski. A roll call vote was taken. 5 members voted aye, 1 nay, and 1 abstained. Motion carried.
Paul Eisen volunteered to review Trustee Essential #10 Developing Essential Library Policies at the Board’s July meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:02 p.m. by Werley, seconded by Derouin, and carried unanimously.
Future meeting dates
The next regular board meeting will be held in the Gegan Room on Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Eisen, Secretary
Kris Seefeldt, Recording Secretary