August 17, 2017

Called to order at 5:30pm by Chairman Englebert
Present:               Englebert, Witt
Also Present:    Deputy Director of Public Works Alix, Director Lenz

Public Comment/Communication

Consent Business
Witt moved to approve the meeting minutes of June 15, 2016. Englebert seconded.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Planned Operating Budget Expenses
Alix develops this part of the library’s operating budget, which include expenses for utilities, a janitorial contract, building repair & maintenance, maintenance service contracts, vehicles & equipment, and housekeeping supplies.  He will have this within the next week or two.

Franzoi joined the meeting at 5:35pm.

Capital Improvement Projects
Part of this year’s $25,000 capital budget has been spent on carpeting the concourse area for $14,218.  Another $10,000 has been approved by the library board for recommissioning the chiller.  Alix reported that recent repair of the chiller has been effective, and he will know whether or not that project is required later this summer.

Immediate Needs:
     ·    Parking lot: repair places that are uneven, repair driveway aprons, maybe add speed bumps and pedestrian crossing stripes ($5,000)
     ·    LED conversions/flag pole lights: should be done while incentives are still available, will decrease operating expenses  ($10,000)
     ·    Add a study room and a door between Reference Area and Children’s Room: study rooms for literacy tutoring and test proctoring are in high demand; the door is needed for safety.  ($15,000)
     ·    Camera system add-on for more storage and more coverage of parking lot-side of building (Alix will develop an estimate)

Future Needs
     ·    Gegan Room paneling removal, remodel  ($7,000)
     ·    Chiller recommission when the chiller fails.  ($10,000)
     ·    Parking lot lights-convert to LED for greater efficiency ($7,000) – 2019
     ·    Company E sound system (along with funding from meeting room fund) – (would need an estimate) -- 2019
     ·    Parking lot replacement ($26,000)  --  2020
     ·    Carpeting main floor south of concourse area ($40,000) -- 2021
     ·    Camera system replacement ($20,000) – 2022
     ·    Boiler replacement when it fails; installed in 1990’s; replacement would be much more efficient ($100,000) – 2022

Franzoi recommended having these building needs split between immediate needs and future needs, to help trustees advocate for funding.  He also asked to be present when the mayor is ready to discuss the 2018 budget.  Franzoi left at 6:22pm.

These recommendations will be made to the Board of Trustees meeting next week.

Witt moved to adjourned, seconded by Englebert at 6:40pm.  Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Lenz, recording secretary