Ad Hoc Nominating Committee

Elisha D. Smith Public Library Board of Trustees

May 16, 2017


Call to order at 9:08am by Englebert

Present: Englebert, Golz, Halverson and Wicihowski

Also present: Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)


Public Comment/Communication


Establish Slate of Officers for the 2017-2018 Term

Crawmer’s term is up June 30, 2017.  The mayor and common council have appointed Cindi Witt to the board at their May 15, 2017 meeting.  We still have one vacancy. 

The following slate of officers was agreed upon by the committee members and will be recommended for the trustee’s consideration at their May 24, 2017 meeting: 

     Jim Englebert – Chairman

     Bob Golz – Vice-chairman

     Kathy Wicihowski – Secretary

Committee appointments to the Library Trustee’s Standing Committees will be discussed at the next library board meeting.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:27am by Wicihowski, seconded by Golz.  Motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dreyer, Recording Secretary