Minutes of Regular Meeting

Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
September 28, 2016

Called to order at 4:02pm by President Englebert
Present:        Crawmer, Englebert, Franzoi, Golz, Halverson, VanderHeyden and Wicihowski
Absent:         Teen Rep Beachkofski
Also Present: Director Lenz and Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)
Public Comment/Communication
Joe Bongers, Adult Services Supervisor, received a thank you card from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Physician Assistant Program for proctoring their exams.

Consent Business
Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes from August 24, 2016.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Wicihowski, seconded by Franzoi to accept the Policies and Personnel Committee meeting minutes of September 21, 2016.  Motion carried unanimously.

Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Golz, seconded by VanderHeyden, to authorize payment of the September 2016 bills as presented from the 2016 budget.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Director’s Report/Information Items

1.    August Statistics.  Compared to last August, circulation of physical materials was up 4% and circulation of digital materials was down 4%; overall circulation was up 3%.  Program attendance was up 5% compared to last August.  

2.    Budget Status.  About 67% of the year has passed and 69% of the budget has been spent.  The line item 24-04 for Repair/Maintenance–Service Contracts includes the self-check upgrade which was paid with 2015 carryover funds.   If we have excess operating funds at the end of the year, it was recommended that we replenish our technology account held by WALS.

3.    Endowment Report. The year-to-date endowment report was reviewed, including all donations so far this year.  The September used book sale proceeds ($4,874.95) will be included in next month’s report.   

4.    Staff Reports.
       ·    We hired two new Library Assistants to work 10-14 hours per week, mostly nights and weekends.  
       ·    The September 16 in-service was held at the Boys and Girls Club.  We reviewed patron confidentiality, dress, work & social media guidelines, Mayor Merkes gave us an update, we toured the Boys and Girls Club, Football Coach Mark Speckman explained how to figure it out when confronted with a challenge, and Officer John Wallschlaeger reminded us how to stay safe.
       ·    This year’s possible budget review dates with the Common Council are November 2, 3, and 9.  November 14 is the session that will include capital improvement requests and a budget overview.  

Discussion /Action Items

1.    Door Counter.  Brian Haessly, Master Electrician and Facilities Technician for the city, is recommending the thermal imaging pair of door counters from CCAM for $1,590 with an annual software cost of $240.  Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski, to approve purchasing the door counter recommended by Haessly.  Motion carried unanimously.  

2.    Policies and Personnel Committee Report.  Members of the Policies and Personnel Committee submitted modifications to the Organizational Structure Policy, Financial & Business Policy, Internet Policy, Volunteer Policy, Patron & Circulation Policy and Library Code of Conduct for review. The city wanted the job descriptions updated and approved so that they can be put on NeoGov.  The committee recommended taking off the requirement to have a valid Wisconsin driver’s license and instead need to have the ability to travel.  Lenz will email the Board of Trustees the employee Dress, Work, & Social Media Guidelines.  Motion made by VanderHeyden, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the Personnel Policy and Social Media Policy to be appended to Internet Policy as reviewed last month and the job descriptions.  Motion carried unanimously.  

3.    Investments Committee Report – Library Endowment.  The committee is recommending withdrawing amounts from the trust funds and allocating them according to the wishes of the donors, transferring funds from Friends to library materials and children’s programs and projects, and moving funds allotted for building maintenance and the general fund into the Community Foundation Memorial Fund for investment.  Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Wicihowski to approve the recommendations made by the Investment Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.  

The committee suggested that someone from the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. come to talk about and answer any questions regarding our investments.  Franzoi suggested that an independent person review the Community Foundation accounts to make sure they are the best place to invest our funds.  We will hold off on the Community Foundation coming and invite an independent person to review the endowment funds and report to the Board of Trustees.  

4.    Finance Committee – 2017 Library Budget.  The proposed 2017 budget includes a 2% cost of living adjustment, step increases, an increase in health insurance, increase in materials, utility increases, WALS increase, printing services, increase of processing supplies and capital projects (carpet replacement, chiller recommission and LED fixture conversions).  Franzoi suggested breaking down the materials budget into digital and print materials and increasing it to $175,000.  Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by Halverson, to increase the materials budget to $175,000 and approve the 2017 draft budget request.   Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion to adjourn made at 5:10pm by Franzoi, seconded by VanderHeyden.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary