Minutes of Regular Meeting

Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
December 15, 2015

Call to order at 5:00pm by President Murray. 
Present:  Crawmer, Englebert, Franzoi, Golz, Kaminski (teen rep), Murray, Rollins-Jump (5:24pm), VanderHeyden and Wicihowski
Absent:  None
Also Present:  Director Lenz and Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)
Public Comment/Communication
Director Lenz received a letter from John Bergstrom confirming that he will make an initial substantial donation toward the purchase of a sculpture for the library entrance and that we may use his name as the initial benefactor to solicit contributions for the remaining funds.

Consent Business
Motion made by Englebert, seconded by Golz to approve the Library Board meeting minutes from November 19, 2015.  Motion carried unanimously.

Authorization of Bills
Golz asked about the bill to Tyco, which is the annual fee for the library’s security system, and LibraryInsight, which is for meeting room booking software.  The repair to the elevator is in the 2016 budget.  Building personnel are working on quotes and hope to have the upgrade completed in January. Motion made by Englebert, seconded by Wicihowski to authorize payment of the December 2015 bills as presented from the 2015 budget.   Motion carried unanimously. 

Director’s Report/Information Items

1. November Statistics.  Overall circulation is down 2% for the month and 5% for the year, with digital circulation up 43% for the month and 15% for the year. 

2. 2015 Budget Status.  With 91.5% of the year past, 90.6% of this year’s budget has been spent.  Next month, we will have invoices for materials purchased in December that will come from the 2015 budget.  There was a change in how premium pay was spent from the budget; now only the bump in pay for working on a Sunday or summer Saturday comes from that budget line.

3. Endowment Report.  A November endowment report was sent out with the list of bills.

4. Staff Reports.
    a. Young Adult and Media Librarian Kirk Moore-Nokes will report on the YALSA Symposium that was held in Oregon at next month’s meeting.
    b. Children’s Services Supervisor Kathy Beson provided a data report:  Seven Years of Fall Reading Club (2009-2015). The Fall 2015 Catch a Dragon by the Tale Reading Program had 240 children enrolled – 90 more than last year. 
    c. One of the library assistants will be going from 30 hours per week to 20 hours per week in mid-January.  

5. Strategic Plan Update.  An update on the library’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan was distributed.

6. Building and Grounds Committee Report.  Lenz has submitted a grant request to SECURA for help funding the sculpture for outside the library’s entrance.

7. Fundraising Committee Report. 
    • Crawmer reported that the committee is working to get donations and sell tickets for The Second Great Menasha Library Chili Cook-Off.  The committee decided to change the price of a table to $160. 
    • Franzoi sold on eBay one of the books from the Smith Collection donated to the Friends last year.
Adjourn into Closed Session:  Motion made by Franzoi, seconded by VanderHeyden to adjourn and reconvene in closed session for the purpose of discussing an unpaid leave request and 2016 salary increases citing §19.85(c), Wis. Stats., Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll call vote:  Crawmer-yes, Englebert-yes, Franzoi-yes, Golz-yes, Murray-yes, Rollins-Jump-yes, VanderHeyden-yes and Wicihowski-yes

Rollins-Jump joined the meeting at 5:24 pm.

Reconvene into open session:  Motion made by Rollins-Jump to adjourn closed session and reconvene in open session, seconded by Franzoi.  Roll call vote:  Crawmer-yes, Englebert-yes, Franzoi-yes, Golz-yes, Murray-yes, Rollins-Jump-yes, VanderHeyden-yes and Wicihowski-yes

Discussion / Action Items

1. Unpaid Leave Request.  Motion made by Englebert to approve an unpaid leave request from a library assistant until December 28, 2015, seconded by Franzoi.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2. 2016 Wages and Salaries.  Motion made by VanderHeyden to approve a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all library personnel and step increases for all eligible personnel as recommended by their supervisors as of January 3, 2016, seconded by Golz.  Motion carried unanimously. 

3. 2016 Director’s Salary.  Motion made by Englebert to increase the Director’s salary 2% effective January 3, 2016, seconded by Crawmer.  Motion carried unanimously. 

4. Final 2016 Budget. A budget request was approved in September.  Mayor Merkes modified that request before submitting it to the Common Council, and the Council approved it as modified.  The changes that were made are the following:
    • $5,000 increase to the line for Health Insurance (15-01).
    • A $4,500 decrease to the line for Electricity (22-03).
    • A $1,083 decrease to the line for City’s Tech Service (29-07).
    • A $15,000 decrease to the line for Library Materials (30-14).
    • A $30,000 capital budget for the elevator upgrade and an upgrade to the HVAC control system were approved.  Other requests omitted:  $15,000 for lighting upgrades and $17,000 for a security camera system upgrade.
Englebert asked if there was any shifting we could do to increase the materials budget and if we are meeting the needs of the public.  VanderHeyden said that we have endowment funds to help supplement materials.  The library is purchasing more digital materials.  Motion made by Franzoi to approve the 2016 budget as presented, seconded by Rollins-Jump.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to adjourn made at 5:56pm by Englebert, seconded by Rollins-Jump.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording Secretary
Kathy Wicihowski, Secretary (closed session)