December 15, 2014

Called to order at 5:10pm by Wicihowski

Present:  Crawmer, Nichols and Wicihowski
Absent:   None      
Also Present:   Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication

Approval of Minutes:  Nichols moved, Crawmer seconded to approve the Policies and Personnel Committee minutes of November 20, 2014.  Motion passed.

Organizational Structure Policy:  It was decided to not change the policy in regard to the teen representative. 

Currently the Organizational Structure Policy states that “No person shall hold the office of president for more than three consecutive one year terms”.  Appleton states that no officer may serve more than two consecutive terms in a given office and in Neenah, officers serve a term of one year. Term limits are not regulated by the State of Wisconsin.  No other office has term limits.  Nichols feels there should be some sort of term limit because it is good to have some turnover.  Wicihowski said that it is good to have an historical perspective but also new points of view. 
Crawmer moved, Wicihowski seconded to recommend to the board to change the Organization Structure Policy to state that “No person shall hold the office of president for more than five consecutive one year terms”.  Motion passed.

Closed Session: Crawmer moved, Wicihowski seconded to go into closed session for the purpose of Director Lenz’s annual review.  Motion passed unanimously by roll call.

Reconvene:  The open meeting reconvened at 5:30pm.  Discussion focused on Chapter 7:  Personnel Policy  - H. 6. which states “In November of the Board of Trustees Policies and Personnel Committee chair will prepare a written evaluation of the director's performance and discuss it with the director.  The director’s evaluation shall be approved by the Board of Trustees.”  In order to coincide with the budgeting process, it was recommended changing November to June.  Committee members decided to make this a part of the discussion of this policy at the next few board meetings.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:36pm was made by Crawmer and seconded by Nichols.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary