June 30, 2021

Called to order at 9:21am.  
Committee Members Present:    VanderHeyden and Witt        
Also Present: Director Kopetsky and Dreyer (Business Manager)

Public Comment/Communication: None

Personnel Policy
The committee reviewed the following changes to the Personnel Policy to align more with the city:
      1.    B. 5.  Library Assistant, all of whom shall be part-time, shall start at board-approved…
      2.    D. 5. a. Regular full-time employees shall earn sick leave at the rate of one (1) day per month.  New employees begin earning one day per month of sick leave at the end of their first full month of employment.  Thereafter, employees shall be awarded 12 days of sick leave on January 1 of each new year.
      3.    D. 5. e.  The library has the right to investigate the use of all sick leaves. has the right to have use of all sick leave validated by a physician.
      4.    D. 5. g.  If an employee is absent for more than three workdays due to accident, illness, or disability, administration shall request a release for the employee’s return to work, signed by a licensed physician.
      5.    Each year, an eligible non-represented regular full-time employee may elect to receive additional vacation hours, up to a maximum of 37.5/40.0 for unused sick leave hours accumulated during the preceding calendar year in accordance with the following formula:
             SLV – Sick Leave Vacation
             SLE – Sick Leave Earned/Unused SLV = SLE x 2/3) x ½
             Sick Leave/vacation hours must be used in the year of conversion, or they are lost.

             Under no circumstances will sick leave/vacation hours be paid out in cash.

Selection of Materials Policy
The committee reviewed the Selection of Materials Policy and agreed to split out the policies from the procedures.  A procedure manual will be developed.  
Meeting adjourned at 10:33am

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary