Minutes of Regular Meeting

Elisha D. Smith Public Library Gegan Room
January 25, 2017

Called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Englebert
Present:     Chairman Englebert, Vice Chairman Golz, Trustee Crawmer, Winnebago County Representative Franzoi, Trustee Halverson, Superintendent of Schools VanderHeyden and Teen Representative Beachkofski
Absent:      Secretary Wicihowski
Also Present:     Director Lenz and Administrative Assistant Dreyer
Public Comment/Communication

Consent Business
The minutes from last month should reflect the date of December 28, 2016--not 2017.  Motion made by VanderHeyden, seconded by Franzoi to approve the Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes from December 28, 2016 as amended and accept the minutes of the Governance Committee from January 10, 2017.  Motion carried unanimously.

Authorization of Bills
Motion made by Golz, seconded by Franzoi to authorize payment of the December (2) 2016 bills as presented from the 2016 budget and the January 2017 bills as presented from the 2017 budget.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Director’s Report/Information Items
1.    December Statistics.  Circulation dropped for the year from last year; however, it was up in December 2.6%.  

2.    2016 and 2017 Budget Status.  Trustees reviewed the 2016 budget and expenditures to date.  

3.    Staff Reports.
       ·    A list of sources that supervisors use for demographic data is used for writing grants and determining what services to offer.
       ·    We are looking into purchasing a book bike as a joint library project with the Neenah Public Library.
       ·    The Library Year 2017 – a plan of monthly major projects -- was reviewed.
       ·    The Children’s Department is running a Winter Reading Program until the first week in February.  There is also a Winter Reading Program during the month of February for teens and adults.
       ·    On Friday, January 13, Media and Young Adult Librarian Kirk Moore-Nokes gave tours of the library and instruction on doing research to 71 students from St. Mary’s Catholic Middle School.  
       ·    Fox Cities Reads will announce their 2017 community read selection on Thursday, January 26.
       ·    On Tuesday, January 24, Director Lenz attended the Winnefox Annual Meeting.  Library Systems have not had an increase in funding since 2010; they are hoping for an increase in this biennial budget. They also discussed how CESA 6 offers grant writing assistance through their GROW (Grant Writing of Wisconsin) program.
       ·    Beachkofski sent texts to several mothers she knows and reported on their recommendations for library services.

Discussion / Action Items

4.    Governance Committee Recommendations. The Governance Committee met on January 10 to discuss future board development and agreed on a list of skills, knowledge, influence, and characteristics to be used as a guide for recruitment.  Motion made by VanderHeyden, seconded by Franzoi to approve the Governance Committee report.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion to adjourn made at 4:44pm by Golz, seconded by Franzoi.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, Recording Secretary