November 20, 2014

Called to order at 5:15pm by Wicihowski

Present:  Crawmer, Nichols and Wicihowski
Absent:   None      
Also Present:             Murray, Director Lenz and K. Dreyer (Administrative Assistant)

Public Comment/Communication

Director’s Annual Review
Director Lenz was given four goals for 2014:  update the strategic plan on a monthly basis, attend a leadership workshop, develop an endowment report that gives year-to-date information, and develop a written succession plan.  She has provided an update every month except one, attended two leadership conferences (one put on by the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce and one sponsored by the Outagamie Waupaca Library System), and the succession plan has been started but is waiting for input from staff.  Kathy Dreyer updated the endowment report.  Last year, Lenz’s review consisted of a board survey and interviews with supervisors. 

It was determined that Lenz’s 2015 goals should include the completion of the succession plan, as well as the completion of a new collection development plan and a marketing plan.  The committee agreed to conduct the board survey this year and interview the supervisors every other year.  Lenz will write a short summary of how she accomplished the 2014 goals, and Nichols and Lenz will complete the 2015 goals.  The committee will meet again on Monday, December 15, at 5:00pm at City Hall to discuss the survey results.

Review of Chapter V:  Rules of Conduct
The suggested amendments include: 
1. B.7. (The use of tobacco products…) is moved up to A.9. since it is not a serious or illegal infraction.  Nicotine products are to include electronic devices. 
2. The Menasha Police have asked us to change our policy to allow them to handle anyone intoxicated with drugs or alcohol, exhibiting threatening or combative behavior, possession of weapons or for any illegal behavior. 
3. A.5. add animals are allowed as part of a library program. 
4. C.3. delete “any person inappropriately using the Children’s Room will be asked to leave that area” since it is repetitive.
Nichols motioned to approve the recommended changes and bring them to the board, seconded by Wicihowski.  Motion carries unanimously. 

Review of Chapter VI:  Organizational Structure
1. Currently, the board’s student representative is a non-voting member to serve for one year.  It was suggested that students in this position may like to become more involved but as a non-voting member they cannot serve on a committee.  It was also suggested changing the one-year term to ‘subject to annual renewal’.  Lenz will ask Neenah how they have structured the student representative considering they are minors, matters of confidentiality, and closed sessions. 
2. B.4.a. states that no person shall hold the office of president for more than three consecutive one-year terms.  There is no state statue on term limits; it is up to the library board.  In Neenah, officers serve a term of one year, and Appleton states that no officer may serve more than two consecutive terms in a given office. The committee will continue to discuss at the next meeting.

Review of Chapter VII:  Personnel Policy
The following amendments were presented for review:
1. The city is recommending having a Healthy Workplace policy.  The city’s has been added in section M.
2. In section D.7.c. – The city attorney and human resource manager suggested the change regarding FMLA.
3. In section D.8.a. – We have included parent-in-law in the 3 days of funeral leave and took out domestic partner since spouses can now be the same or different sexes.  To be eligible for funeral leave, the employee must attend the funeral of the decedent.  Sister-in-law and brother-in-law are not considered immediate family in the city’s policy. 
4. In section E.6. – This change reflects the decision made by the trustees during this past year that the library pays the monthly premium for regular full time library employees for basic group life insurance.
5. In section E.10 – The city now offers Roth accounts.  (They may also defer payment as a Roth contribution.)
6. In section F.1.c. – “The library budget shall include an amount, to be determined annually by the Board of Trustees, which shall be used to defray tuition and fees expenses for employees”.   The committee will meet in January or February to look at staff development vs. tuition reimbursement, what would be the responsibility of the recipient of the funds, should it be open to all staff and should staff apply like they would a scholarship. 
Nichols motioned to approve the recommended changes and bring them to the board, seconded by Wicihowski.  Motion carries unanimously. 

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:08pm was made by Nichols and seconded by Crawmer.   Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Dreyer, recording secretary